Most appointments can be booked directly here. Others which need more preparation can be arranged by contacting me [email protected] or call 087 631224
Marma Massage – Pressure Point Massage

1Hr 15mins €80
Marma massage is the most direct method of harmonizing prana/energy in the physical body of another person: it has the ability to awaken the healing power. This is a deeply nourishing and grounding treatment; it releases deep seated tension allowing the energies of the body to come back into harmony.
During this full body massage special emphasis is given to the marma points, pressure points that transmit electro-magnetic energy through all the organs and systems of the body. Using warm therapeutic oils, invigorating strokes will simultaneously awaken and relax the muscles while a more precise pressure stimulates the “marmas” (points throughout the body where nerves, blood, vessels, muscles, ligaments, joints and bones unite).
Abhyanga Massage – Warm Herbal Oil Massage

1Hr €70
Facial Rejuvenation Massage

1Hr €70
Over time dietary & lifestyle choices, tension and expression lines from habitual thoughts and emotions can take their toll on our skin. This treatment encourages the flow of oxygen & nutrients to the skin, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin and frees constrictions within the facial muscles and connective tissue.
Each session begins with relaxation and activation of specific acupressure points on the face. Then massage movements with varying degrees of pressure detect areas of tension and encourage letting go of habitual facial expressions. Smoothing techniques remove dead skin cells and ‘iron out’ fine lines and wrinkles. Deeper techniques release restrictions in the connective tissue of the dermis, lift the underlying facial muscles and encourage the flow of nutrients to skin. The session concludes with lymphatic drainage and scalp massage. Though the treatment is preformed without the use of oils or creams, some rose serum can be applied at this stage.
Shirodhara – Third Eye Balance And Head Massage

1Hr 15mins €90
In conjunction with a head and neck massage this treatment is administered by gently and methodically pouring warm herbal oil over the forehead and third eye. This continuous flow of oil is profoundly relaxing and calming to the mind, body and spirit. It is one of the most powerful of all the ancient ayurvedic treatments as it touches deep into the spirit and helps us to connect with our soul. Single treatments available though traditionally a course of 7 is recommended.
Pinda Sweda – Herbal Bolus Massage

1Hr €90
A heated bolus made either from fresh or dried herbs or rice is used to firmly massage warm herbal oil into the entire body. Like most sweating therapies, pinda sweda helps to awaken cellular memory and facilitate healing through the intense stimulation caused by sweating. In addition to relieving the conditions listed above, pinda sweda will leave you feeling relaxed and blissful. It helps revitalise the entire body, increase energy and mobility, reduce stress and restore appetite and sleep patterns.
Udvartana – Invigorating Herbal Powder Massage

1Hr €70
Dry herbal powders are used for a full body herbal powder exfoliation. This is an ideal treatment for those suffering from a congested lymphatic system or carrying excess weight.
Shiro-Abhyanga – Traditional Head, Neck and Face Massage

45 Mins €50
Heart Dhara – Heart Rejuvenation
1 Hr €90
Enquire for more info
Nasya – Head & Sinus Treatment with Face Massage

45mins €50
After a facial steam, face massage and marma point stimulation, a few drops of herbal oil will be applied to each nostril and massaged into the sinuses. The nose is the gateway to the head; therefore this is one of the best ways to bring the effects of herbs to the brain and nervous system.
Netra Basti – Eye Nourishment

1 Hr €70
Kati Basti – Spinal Rejuvenation
1 Hr €90
Enquire for more info
Ayurveda Half Day program

To get a taste of the profound healing and nourishing effects of the ayurveda, this half-day immersion will be ideal.
Whether one is looking for a healthier way of living, wants to gain insight into an existing health concern or simply wants to treat oneself or another, one will emerge feeling deeply relaxed and revitalised.
Ayurvedic diet & lifestyle consultation
2 hours of ayurvedic treatments
Light refreshments
Rejuvenating program

4Days €700/€850
To feel the profound effects of the healing and nourishing ways of ayurveda, this four day immersion will be memorable.
As well as an initial diet & lifestyle consultation, each day you will receive a combination of two rejuvenating treatments such as herbal oil massage, warm bolus massage, shirodhara, nasya, heart dhara, and a daily steam which will be followed by a rejuvenating herbal enema (optional).
Herbal remedies may also be recommended to assist the process. This is an excellent program for when one is feeling fatigued or stressed, suffering from SAD, during the change of seasons; especially spring and fall.
It can help support life style changes and rejuvenates body and mind as the basis of health and wellbeing.
Longer personally tailored cleansing programs are also available